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MEGA - PRESS WACŁAW HANZEL z Cieszyna realizuje projekt pn. „Niskoodpadowa oraz energooszczędna gospodarka magazynowa” w ramach programu Fundusze Europejskie dla Śląskiego 2021- 2027 (Fundusz na rzecz Sprawiedliwej Transformacji), dla Priorytetu: FESL.10.00-Fundusze Europejskie na transformację; dla Działania: FESL.10.03-Wsparcie MŚP na rzecz transformacji. Celem Projektu jest uruchomienie ekologicznych i wysokowydajnych usług poprzez inwestycję w automatyzację i cyfryzację procesów magazynowych oraz produkcyjnych w przedsiębiorstwie Mega Press w Cieszynie.

Zadania, działania, które są przewidziane w ramach projektu:
  1. zakup niezbędnego wyposażenia oraz urządzeń magazynowych (zakup i montaż regałów magazynowych, zakup niszczarki do kartonu, zakup belownicy, zakup wózka widłowego),
  2. zakup niezbędnego oprogramowania w celu cyfryzacji procesów i usług (zakup oprogramowania magazynowego oraz systemu finansowo-księgowego, zakup i montaż paneli fotowoltaicznych, zakup i wymiana oświetlenia w hali magazynowej).
Głównym efektem w wyniku realizacji projektu będzie:
  1. wdrożenie zasady Gospodarki Obiegu Zamkniętego doprowadzając do znaczącego stanu efektywności wykorzystania materiałów i odpadów własnych wytworzonych na etapie produkcji
  2. wdrożenie innowacyjnych usług na skalę przedsiębiorstwa
  3. zwiększenie zatrudnienia
  4. rozwój usług magazynowych jako formy dywersyfikacji przedsiębiorstwa oraz uniezależnienia od rynku papierniczego
  5. zwiększenie konkurencyjności Wartość projektu wynosi: 915 624,68 zł w tym dofinansowanie z UE: 549 374,80 zł

About Mega PRESS

Mega-Press Wacław Hanzel is more than just a company – it’s a trusted partner accompanying its clients every step of their growth. Our approach is based on harmonious collaboration and commitment to achieving shared goals. By investing in quality, efficiency, and reliability of services, we bring our vision for the future to life. With us, you can count on complete professionalism, which will translate into the growth of your business. We are proud of our values, activities, and the vision of the future we build together with our clients – harmoniously, effectively, and reliably.

Our Resources, Your Success

Mega-Press Wacław Hanzel has a well-developed infrastructure that allows us to handle even the most demanding tasks. Our warehouses, covering a total area of 6,000 m², and a fleet of 12 trucks operating both in Poland and abroad, ensure full logistical support and product availability at the right time and place. We operate harmoniously, always tailoring our services to current market needs and expectations.

A Partner in Growing Your Business

Mega-Press Wacław Hanzel is a company born from passion, experience, and a family vision. After years of success in the corporate world, it was time to realize a shared dream – to create a company that harmoniously supports the growth of its clients' businesses. This is how Mega-Press Wacław Hanzel was founded – a family-run company with a mission to deliver comprehensive, personalized solutions for packaging, warehousing, and transport. Thanks to our knowledge and experience, we help companies not only in their daily operations but also in achieving harmony between operational efficiency and cost optimization. Our team of specialists is fully committed to supporting businesses by outsourcing logistics and supply chain management.

Client at the Center

Our priority is always the client and their needs. We approach each order individually, offering solutions tailored to specific requirements. We understand that every business is different, which is why we proudly create flexible and efficient services that support growth and maximize our clients' profits. Our reliable team of leaders constantly monitors the quality of services, providing the highest standards of cooperation.


Comprehensive Support

Optimal Solutions

At Mega-Press, we believe that the success of our clients is also our success. That’s why we offer reliable solutions that assist in daily operations, genuinely contributing to cost optimization. With years of experience and knowledge, we create services tailored to the needs of every client – from large, renowned companies to smaller businesses seeking flexible support. Our activity in the market is primarily about caring for the well-being and growth of our partners.

Your Business

And what we can do for it

Offer for E-business

Our cardboard packaging and packing tapes are ideal solutions for securing your products. We offer high quality and durability that meet all logistics requirements. Tapes ensure strong and reliable sealing of every shipment.


We offer rental of modern warehouse spaces, ideal for storing goods in safe and convenient conditions. Our warehouses are flexible, well-located, and tailored to your logistics needs.

Transport and Logistics

We offer reliable logistics support, ensuring smooth order fulfillment and delivery. Thanks to modern solutions, we enhance the efficiency of your supply chain.

Contact Information

Mega-Press Wacław Hanzel

ul. Bielska 206,
43-400 Cieszyn

ul. Bielska 206,
43-400 Cieszyn

NIP: 5482071543

+48 504 258 332

SALES DEPARTMENT: +48 502 229 130
LOGISTICS: +48 781 203 400
